Practice GRATITUDE: Love Life, Create Change

Think it! Wear it! BE it!

Woman in a gray hoodie in the snow. man wearing a long sleeve spiral shirt and a sports coat,  woman wearing a black and gold grateful shirt, woman wearing jeans and a happiness is contagious shirt under a yellow blazer, woman wearing a blank grateful shirt with a mini shirt

Elevate Your Style, Empower Your Impact

Practicing GRATITUDE can be FUN! 

Ever get together with friends and everyone is kvetching (complaining in Yiddish)? Then you start kvetching too. The conversation turns into a game of “Negative Volleyball" and you're competing to see who can share the crappiest story.

By the end of the gathering, you're either miserable OR feeling a little better about your life because your problems aren't as bad as everyone else's.

Negativity is contagious. And so is happiness.

Don't believe me? Listen to a giggling child. Their laughter makes you laugh!

Let's spread positivity and happiness. GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. Bingo isn’t your regular game of BINGO, where you only win if you can mark the spots the caller yells out. In this game of GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. Bingo, you WIN EVERY TIME you fill in a square.

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GRATITUDE is like CPR; it can save your life.


I’m not talking about repeating a rote gratitude list before bed. I’m talking about training your brain to find your GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. so that no matter what’s happening in your life you can still find happiness, joy, peace, and calm.

If this worked for my inner city high school students,
9th and 10th graders, you think it can work for you?

Did you know?

Before the pandemic, the MENTAL HEALTH industry was a 20 BILLION dollar industry.

Now it’s even more! Mental health issues continue to rise. In fact, it’s considered the second pandemic. 

People are dealing with: 

Comparison Culture
Being pulled in a million directions
Feeling like they are never enough
Inability to keep up with all the demands
Situational depression
How do you get more joy, greater realtionships?

If you are tired and overwhelmed or feel like you have to
"DO" more to "BE" more in order to FEEL GOOD

While we're on the topic do you really want to just

feel good? Perhaps, good is a step up from where you are feeling right now. However, if given the choice, I bet you want to feel even BETTER than GOOD

What are the benefits of joining the Movement? 

Practicing GRATITUDE is good for your mental health. It boosts your self-esteem and  increases your level of motivation.

Become an official GRATITUDE Gangsta, someone skilled in the art of appreciation, who lives life to the fullest, and finds magic in life's challenges. 

Masterfully reframe annoying situations so they no longer consume you. 

Interrupt negative thought patterns so you can enjoy where you are and what you're doing

Embrace sadness and become more resilient. 

Practice being  present and celebrate your GRATITUDE W.I.N.S.   

Monthly Membership $7/Month!

That's less than a meal at a fast food

restaurant and WAY healthier!

What are the benefits of joining the Movement? 

Daily GRATITUDE Action Steps delivered to your email Monday – Friday.
Up to date information on the latest GRATITUDE research.
Tools to build and/or enhance your GRATITUDE Practice. Equip yourself with a variety of strategies to support you in finding pleasure in everyday life.
A Community of like-minded people. Meet people just like you who are committed to uncovering and rediscovering what works in their life.
Private Facebook community to share how practicing GRATITUDE is shaping your perspective in this safe space. This is a private group that only people in the Living in GRATITUDE Today community can see.
Monthly Mailbox Surprises! Stay on the lookout for additional GRATITUDE Goodies delivered to your inbox (and sometimes even your mailbox).
Other GRATITUDE Surprises

Extraordinary People Wearing
Living in GRATITUDE Today Swag!

What will being a GRATITUDE Gangsta
and finding your GRATITUDE W.I.NS.
Do For You?

(And the people around you)

Feeling stressed, overwhelmed and/or frustrated?
Is your daily to do list doing you in?

Stop. Breathe. Reflect. 
Look for the things that are going right in your life.

What we focus on expands.
Are you focusing on the challenges and road blocks in your life or the things that are going right? 

By practicing gratitude you will increase the levels of love and joy even when in the midst of a challenge. 

Who would you rather be around?

Someone who complains all the time or someone who looks for reasons to be happy?

Join the GRATITUDE Movement today and be a GRATITUDE Change Agent!

Here's another way to be reminded

of your GRATITUDE W.I.N.S.

Contains 36 cards & instructions.
Write your GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. (large & small) on your GRATITUDE cards.
Small enough to carry with you 
Read your cards whenever you want to smile or need to shift your mood. 
Stylish, powerful, reminders that words matter, so use them wisely.
Sets your intention(s) for the day.
Reminds you to live full out! 
Unisex bracelets, wear them day or night.
1/4' wide, soft silicone
Stack them or wear them alone 
Shirts for the whole family. 
Inspirational word becomes your Superpower
Very comfy & fashion forward
Spread positive vibes to people around you
Causes you to focus on what you have versus what's missing.  

What are our clients saying about us?

Wendy Calvo

I met Michele Vismaya Rubin back in February 2019 and decided to participate in her 10 day Gratitude Challenge. I never practiced or lived in Gratitude before this. I was more focused on what was wrong with my life instead of focusing on what was right in my life.

Those 10 days of learning about gratitude totally changed my life. It helped me to get out of my comfort zone and appreciate the life I have and the people in it. Instead of being a casual by-stander in life by simply existing, I found that by reaching out to others and being grateful for even the smallest thing - a sunrise, a bird chirping, saying a kind word to someone I don't know - changed my whole outlook on life. There is beauty everywhere if we look for it and share it with others.

I bought the Gratitude Journal and it has been a blessing to me. I post everything that I am grateful for each day in it. When I have a tough day, I go back and read things I have posted and my whole attitude changes to one of Gratitude.

After the 10 Day Challenge, I joined the Living in GRATITUDE Today Community. It has changed my life in so many ways. I am kinder, happier, more confident, and GRATEFUL for this life I have been given. 


Melissa Jimenez

Thank you, Gratitude Movement!
The emails you send me always inspire and give me a fresh perspective. They remind me constantly, even when things are hard, that deliberate and mindful living and the practice of gratitude are something that have to be cultivated and called in to action, whether through journaling or doing an activity that enables the conscious thought of gratitude. These practices have changed the way I perceive my everyday life. I've realized that authentic and genuine living must first come from a place of gratitude and through this act, appreciation for everything else grows. I always look forward to your emails and I really enjoy the practices and readings that you send. The Gratitude Movement should be enjoyed, practiced and lived by everyone. If you feel that something is missing in your life, and you need a fresh outlook to make that change, happiness is around the corner and gratitude is the way!

- Melissa

Shari Berkey

The past 2 1/2 years have been difficult to say the least. Navigating the tangled maze of my GI issues has been a living hell.

Solving some GI mysteries while wondering about others has caused a roller coaster of emotions. I never had to deal with this level of not knowing the answer.

One thing that helped and still helps me today is my gratitude practice. Vismaya is on to something big.

I can catch a negative thought such as, "Am I ever going to heal?" I replace it with, I am strong, I am nurturing my body with healing foods, and I am healing! Yes, I say all three or vary it up. The more, the better!! I did it today on my visit to the park on the bay.

Thank you Vismaya for helping me and countless others!!!


Deven Diaz

...And I want you to know the times I’ve most struggled, I would say something positive to myself 100, 200, or even 1000 times, just like you taught us in class, and I would succeed.

Ever since I graduated high school and joined the Marines, I struggled every day.

Your simple lessons of being positive and or the affirmations helped me so much and I will never stop using it.

I’ve cried, sweat, and bled every day and you are one of the contributions to my success and future success. Thank you for everything you taught me.


Meet Michele Vismaya Rubin

Break Through Roadblocks,
Challenges, & Overwhelm Quickly

For Overworked & Overwhelmed People
Who Know There's Got to Be More to Life

Mental Health Advocate | Founder of Living in GRATITUDE Today | #1 GRATITUDE Gangsta

Vismaya Rubin’s approach to gratitude is original, edgy, direct, and energizing. For twenty years, she taught inner-city high schoolers to tap into their inner GRATITUDE GANGSTA and appreciate life, regardless of their circumstances. Now, Vismaya shares these tools with overwhelmed, and overworked women who are ready to reclaim their happiness.

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