What is Stinkin Thinkin?

Ever have one of those days when something sets you off and it’s downhill from there? You have a barrage of negative thoughts or stinkin thinkin. Perhaps it started after a social media scroll or a phone call from a friend. People all around you are celebrating their accomplishments, upcoming or previous vacations, and a plethora of other good news. You’re genuinely happy for them but you start to compare yourself to them and thus, awaken your mind monsters. Those nasty voices that want you to doubt your worth and to play small. They say untruths like, “You’re not enough. Loser. Can't you be more like him? You’ll never be successful. Go get a job; entrepreneurship isn’t for you. You’re too fat (or too skinny). You’re pathetic!”

These thoughts are bogus but when they’re happening they feel very, very real. Once you learn to recognize them, you can implement your Stinkin Thinkin Emergency Plan if you have one.

Stinkin Thinkin Emergency Tool Kit
- 3 Ways to Shift Negative Thoughts

If you live in Florida, like I do, you make sure you’re hurricane-ready every June. Water, canned goods, a handheld can opener, flashlights, batteries, candles, and matches are a few of the essentials that go into your Hurrican Emergency kit. You pray you won’t need them but if you do, you’re grateful you have them. (Trust me, I know. We lost everything in Hurricane Andrew.)

So why not have a Stinkin Thinkin Emergency Tool kit to squash these potentially debilitating voices? (Please note this is NOT a substitute for professional help.) These tools will help you stop the negative thinking, put the mind monsters back in their cave, and put you back in the driver’s seat.


Here are three ways to use GRATITUDE.

Recite a GRATITUDE List

This is usually a rote list that you don’t have to think about. Start listing all the people and things you’re grateful for.

I am grateful that "I (AM)":

Cognizant of the fact that my mind monsters are running the show. 
Able to shift my stinkin thinkin. 
Have food in my fridge. 
Can move my body. 
Have amazing people in my life.  

Keep adding to the list until you start to feel better.

Read Your "I am GRATEFUL cards"

Grab your GRATITUDE Bag, and read what you wrote on each of the “I am GRATEFUL" cards. Savor each memory. These cards contain the best memories of your life, lessons learned, and all of your accomplishments. 


Call people you’re GRATEFUL for and tell them WHY you're GRATEFUL for them! Doing something nice for another person, can definitely shift your mood. 


Conscious breathing reduces stress, improves your mood, and can help stop stinkin thinkin. 

Grab your BREATHE sticker and trace it as you begin Box breathing, also know as Square breathing.  Box breathing regulates the nervous system and reduces stress, (Side note: It's used by the Navy Seals.) The Box breathing pattern is: inhale, hold, exhale, hold. Each action is done for the same amount of time.

Put on your BREATHE shirt and start breathing.
Repeat a mantra on each inhale and one on each exhale. You can repeat the same one or different ones. If the ones below don't resonate with you, make up your own. If you aren’t comfortable with “I am” statements, switch to “May I be”.

I am happy.
I am healthy.
I am safe.


Go for a walk, ride your bike, or turn on some music and dance. Get up and get your heart pumping!

Why exercise?

It increases the production of endorphins, which are neurotransmitters in the brain that can improve your sense of well-being.
Reduces stress hormones, which help you relax.
It distracts you from negative thoughts and refocuses your mind on your body's movements rather than your negative mood and irritations.

This is your Stinkin Thinkin Emergency Tool Kit. Keep the three tools I shared and add a few of your own. Depending on how deep and nasty your mind monsters are, you may need to use all of your tools. Bottom line, these feelings are temporary and you can take back control!