Summer is synonymous with freedom, adventure, and fun. It’s a time to explore new places, catch up on projects, and do things you truly enjoy. As David Bowie sang, “Summer's here and the time is right for dancing in the street.”
Perfectionism is a killer— a dream killer, joy killer, time killer, creativity killer, and ultimately, a life killer. The pursuit of perfection can stifle your progress and paralyze you into inaction. I'm not advocating for starting numerous projects and then half-assing everything, but if you wait for the perfect moment to start living, you never will.
Ever have one of those days when something sets you off and it’s downhill from there? You have a barrage of negative thoughts or stinking thinking. Perhaps it started after a social media scroll or a phone call from a friend. People all around you are celebrating their accomplishments, upcoming or previous vacations, and a plethora of other good news. You’re genuinely happy for them but you start to compare yourself to them and thus, awaken your mind monsters. Those nasty voices that want you to doubt your worth and to play small. They say untruths like, “You’re not enough. You’re a loser. You’ll never be successful. Look at your friend, you should be where he/she is right now. Go get a job; entrepreneurship isn’t for you. You’re too fat (or too skinny). You’re pathetic!”
These thoughts are bogus but when they’re happening they feel very, very real. Once you learn to recognize them, you can implement your Stinkin Thinkin Emergency Plan if you have one.
You can't hate yourself into a version you love. Self-hatred is NOT a means to achieve self-improvement or self-acceptance. No amount of self-criticism, self-judgment, or negative self-talk will lead to positive change or genuine self-love.
Much like Pi, GRATITUDE , holds an infinite depth within its simplicity. Living in GRATITUDE Today means appreciating the present moment and acknowledging the abundance that surrounds us. At first glance, GRATITUDE might seem like a fleeting emotion, something we experience momentarily and then move on from. However, like Pi's infinite decimals, practicing GRATITUDE expands and enriches our lives in ways we never imagined.