Summertime: The Ultimate Teacher’s Escape

“Summertime, time, time”, sung in my best Janis Joplin voice, was my favorite time of the year when I was a high school teacher. On the last day of school, every year, without fail, I skipped through the hallways singing “School’s out for summer!” Alice Cooper would have been proud. By June, I was burnt out and needed a break.

The Magic of Summertime

Summer is synonymous with freedom, adventure, and fun. It’s a time to explore new places, catch up on projects, and do things you truly enjoy. As David Bowie sang, “Summer's here and the time is right for dancing in the street.”

With a few trusty friends, we’d jump in the car, often with a destination in mind but ready to deviate if something intriguing caught our eye. These spontaneous road trips refueled our spirits and gave us a plethora of GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. to cherish throughout the year. Our favorite mantra? “June, July, and August.” By June, we were in desperate need of time to unwind, refresh, and rejuvenate.

Bidding Farewell

Each year, as much as I loved meeting my new students, the beginning of the new school year end was bittersweet. I had to say goodbye to my dear friend—Summer—after eight glorious weeks together. Routine set in, and I often wondered why I wasn’t having adventures all year long.

Tapping into the Summertime Feeling All Year Long

After every GRATITUDE talk, people share with me that they’re merely going through the motions of life, feeling bored or overly busy, not necessarily unhappy—just fine. But who wants to be just fine? That’s not how this GRATITUDE Gangsta wants to experience life.

Do it by Living in GRATITUDE Today 

Let’s explore how you can tap into that summertime feeling all year long.

Creating Your Adventure List

Grab a piece of paper and draw four columns or download the chart here

10 Minutes or Less 
1 - 3 Hours 
Full Day 
Weekend or Longer
Daydream and List Ideas

Daydream about:

New restaurants you want to try. 
Places you want to visit, both locally and globally. 
Family and friends you’ve been meaning to call. 
Books you want to read. 
Podcasts you want to listen to.
Classes you want to take. 
Things you enjoyed as a child. 
What makes you laugh.

In each column, jot down different activities that energize you, make you smile, and feel better than just fine. For additional inspiration, join the Living in GRATITUDE Today Movement and get a daily GAS (GRATITUDE Action Steps) each weekday morning. 

Include both extravagant adventures and free ones. For instance, I recently Googled “free things to do in Fort Lauderdale” and discovered new activities I hadn’t tried before. Exploring my city like a tourist rekindles my sense of adventure.

The Sunrise Ritual: A Daily Dose of Gratitude

Lately, I’ve been heading to the beach to watch the sunrise a few times a week. I share this experience via live video on Instagram, connecting with wonderful people worldwide. This sunrise adventure, taking about an hour from waking up to arrival, costs nothing. Each morning, I’m filled with awe as I watch the sun rise, a new adventure every day. Try it. If you logistically can't watch the sunrise, watch the sunset!

This ritual reminds me not to take time for granted and to say yes to myself. Starting the day with a new adventure sets a positive tone.

Infusing Adventure into Your Daily Life

Schedule adventures into your day using the list you created. Don’t wait for summer vacation to create these delightful moments of gratitude. Allow yourself to spend even ten minutes in the middle of the day to read a few pages of a juicy novel or zone out to some music.

Post your adventure list in visible places—your office, refrigerator, or bathroom mirror. Add to it regularly. Whenever you feel a lull in your energy, choose an activity from the list. Imagine doing one activity a day, experiencing life fully, and feeling much better than just fine.

Embrace the joy of summertime and the power of gratitude all year round. Let these moments of adventure and reflection energize you and enhance your everyday life.