Navigating Holiday Blues in Recovery: A Mindful Journey to Serenity

The holiday season can stir up a mix of emotions, and for those navigating the path of recovery, or experiencing a life change, these emotions can be particularly daunting. Whether you're in a 12 step program, dealing with illness, divorce, loss of a loved one, becoming an empty nester, or are on a personal journey of healing, practicing gratitude and mindfulness can make a significant difference in not just surviving but thriving during this time of year.

Acknowledging What’s So
Practicing GRATITUDE and mindfulness, a practice rooted in being present and in the moment without judgment, are powerful tool for individuals in recovery or dealing with life changes. The first step in navigating holiday blues is to acknowledge where you are emotionally, and notice where you are being triggered. Regardless of what you hear on social media, or how others think you should feel, remember, it’s ‘ok to NOT be ok’. While a mindfulness practices teaches you to observe your feelings without being consumed by them, practicing GRATITUDE allows you to celebrate that you did just that. Whereever you are emotionally, take time throughout the day to look for your GRATITUDE W.I.N.S..

An easy way to find your GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. is by answering the following questions.
W - Who or what made a difference for me today?
I - How did I make the world a better today?
N - How did I nourish my mind, body, or spirit today?
S - What made me smile or laugh until my sides hurt?

Perhaps the best part of your day was that you got out of bed, or acknowledged that you have the holiday blues. Remember a W.I.N.S. is a WIN!

Setting Mindful Intentions and Practice GRATITUDE:
While in the midst of the ‘holiday season’, be mindful and set intention for yourself. Be realistic about your expectations and remember that recovery is a continuous journey. Instead of fixating on external pressures, (what other people think you should do or feel, the need to buy everyone extravegant gifts, accepting every party invitation so you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings) focus on internal growth and progress. Set intentions that align with your recovery goals, emphasizing self-compassion, self love, and the progess you’ve made. Throughout the day, take inventory of your GRATITUDE W.I.N.S by answering the questions above.

Remember practicing GRATITUDE and practicing mindfulness, allows you to navigate the holiday blues more peacefully. These two practices meet you where you are and potentially allow you to expereince happiness and joy admist the chaos.