Whether you celebrate Passover or not, the lesson is universal.

Yesterday, I was feeling BLAH: frozen, stuck. I was in action but, I was moving at a snail’s pace. I literally just walked in the house and was about to do some work when my phone rang – it was my friend Adam. My first thought was to send him to voicemail, however, we’ve been trying to catch up for a week or so I took his call.

After chit-chatting for a few, I shared what was going on for me and the tears started flowing. He asked me if I knew what was coming up… Of course, it’s a few days till Passover. Then he asked if I knew the story of Passover.

We, Jewish people, celebrate Passover to commemorate our people’s liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt.

Modern-day message? It’s time to take inventory of all ways we are stuck, still bound to old beliefs, thoughts, stories, and memories from the past that run us. It’s time for FREEDOM.

You see, when you get into these funks, most likely it’s because an old story or pattern is running you – something you told yourself to keep you safe.

From a very young age, my mother told me I was a genius and I believed her. It served me well in many ways. Here’s the caveat — because I’m a genius, I can’t fail. So, whenever I don’t know how to do something, don’t think I can learn it, I clam up and want to go into hiding. Geniuses are supposed to know how to do everything and do it correctly. G-d forbid I look stupid.

My dad also played into the genius thing, although at a later date. He once told me that he never worried about me because he knew I was smart and always figured things out.

Then I quit my job of twenty years and became my own boss. I knew how to teach, plan lessons, and motivate kids, That came easy to me.

Now, I have to learn a whole new skill set and the pressure of being a genius and not failing loom over my head. At forty-eight, these are self-imposed shackles that I wear.

So getting back to the message of Passover. It’s time to break free and remove the chains that hold you to the past and beliefs or people that no longer serve you. You no longer have to be a slave.

Here are a few suggestions on how to break free.

  • Free write – grab a paper and pen and just write, vomit on paper everything that no longer serves you, frustrates you, or downright pisses you off. Don’t think about what you are writing – just put pen to paper.
  • Hire a therapist
  • Do a session of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). I know a few practitioners.
  • Hypnosis
  • Be in action

Whatever you do, or don’t do is perfect.

I would love to hear from you.