
Pi and Gratitude: Finding Harmony in Life’s Infinite Digits

Much like Pi, GRATITUDE , holds an infinite depth within its simplicity. Living in GRATITUDE Today means appreciating the present moment and acknowledging the abundance that surrounds us. At first glance, GRATITUDE might seem like a fleeting emotion, something we experience momentarily and then move on from. However, like Pi's infinite decimals, practicing GRATITUDE expands and enriches our lives in ways we never imagined.
by Vismaya Rubin
World Kindness Day Flyer November 13

World Kindness Day – Great Time to do Random Act of Kindess

Tomorrow is World Kindness Day and also marks the beginning of World Kindness Week. Kindness begets kindness so lets double down on Random Acts of Kindess (planned and unplanned). These acts also become GRATITUDE W.I.N.S.. There are three things I want you to remember this week. You will NEVER know the ripple effect of a single Random Act of Kindness. There is no such thing as a Random Act of Kindness being “too small”. Random Acts of Kindnesses become GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. To demonstrate how many Random Acts of Kindness can make a huge impact.
by Vismaya Rubin