Welcome to the GRATITUDE Experiment- A 30-Day Accountability Group 

Welcome to the GRATITUDE Experiment, an immersive journey into the transformative power of gratitude and conscious creation.

 Join us as we embark on an exciting exploration of how your words, thoughts, and GRATITUDE practice can reshape your reality and unlock the juiciness of life.

About the GRATITUDE Experiment

The GRATITUDE Experiment is just that, an experiment. It’s an opportunity to challenge conventional thinking of what you think is possible and unlock the untapped potential within you. Grounded in the principles of GRATITUDE, mindfulness, and the law of attraction, the GRATITUDE Experiment invites you to actively shape your reality by speaking it into existence.

What You'll Discover During the GRATITUDE Experiment

Throughout the GRATITUDE Experiment, you'll:

Explore how practicing GRATITUDE can transform your beliefs, elevate your mood, and attract abundance into your life.
Learn how to tap into the creative power of your subconscious mind to consciously design and manifest your desired outcomes.
Cultivate a habit of celebrating your achievements, both large and small.
Listen to the nudges from the Universe and take inspired actions.
Identify and challenge limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from experiencing the fullness of life.
Engage in simple exercises to test the hypothesis “you can consciously create your future”.
Connect with an amazing community, share insights, and cheer each other on.

How It Works 

Throughout the 30 days of the Gratitude Experiment, you'll be given simple daily exercises that will expand your awareness, bring about change, and challenge your beliefs of what you thought was possible. Additionally, we will have two group calls where we’ll share insights and support for one another.

Each day, you'll receive new practices and prompts to apply in your daily life, allowing you to observe firsthand the impact of gratitude on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.


During the Living in GRATITUDE Today I got the clarity to make a move I've been conteplating for year. The daily exercises gave me the push to do it. 

Phyliss M. 

Vismaya, thank you so much for creating the Living in Gratitude Today Experiment. I thought I knew my way around gratitude but it wasn't not until we dove step by step into whats possible did I get to feel gratitude in every fiber of my body. Being a part of your program connected me to a  community whose insights and compassion supported and encouraged me through the entire process and allowed me to do the same for them even though their journeys were different than mine. 

Your leadership brought the entire program together in a way that keeps me connected and participating still to this day. 

Adam B. | Host of Inside World Pickleball TV

As a wife, mom, and entrepreneur, I wear many hats and I'm pulled in so many different directions. I love the Living in GRATITUDE Today  Experiment because of the accountablitly components. It reminded to pause and reflect on my GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. after really busy and sometimes challenging days. 

Sherinata | Owner of Karelia Creations

Why Join the GRATITUDE Experiment

See what's possible when your heart and mind are in alignment.
Challenge your assumptions and beliefs about what's possible and open yourself up to new possibilities and opportunities.
Experience tangible and intangible results by doing your simple daily exercises and actively practicing gratitude.
Connect with a community of amazing people who are on the same journey of discovery

While you're waiting for the Experiment to begin, 
we'll send you a few GRATITUDE Goodies! 


This isn’t your regular game of BINGO, where you only win if you can mark the spots that the caller yells out. In this game of GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. Bingo, you WIN EVERY TIME you fill in a square.

This game, which can be played by yourself or with your family, causes you to notice and appreciate what IS working in your life right now and allows you to deal with difficulties from a new perspective.

A goal not written is only a wish!

Set montly Intentions and Goals to help you stay focused on what you want so that you have a life you love. 

Fill out this sheet each month and hang it on your wall.  A goal not written is only a wish.

GRATITUDE is the #1 success and
happiness tool,used by Oprah,
Tony Robbins, and Arianna Huffington.
It can be yours too!

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Meet Michele Vismaya Rubin

Break Through Roadblocks,
Challenges, & Overwhelm Quickly

For Overworked & Overwhelmed People
Who Know There's Got to Be More to Life

Mental Health Advocate | Founder of Living in GRATITUDE Today | #1 GRATITUDE Gangsta

Vismaya Rubin’s approach to gratitude is original, edgy, direct, and energizing. For twenty years, she taught inner-city high schoolers to tap into their inner GRATITUDE GANGSTA and appreciate life, regardless of their circumstances. Now, Vismaya shares these tools with overwhelmed, and overworked women who are ready to reclaim their happiness.

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