Thank Someone Thursday!

Today I thank you.

On the anniversary of my mom’s death, 9/11, I went to the cemetery for the first time. For the hour's drive, I played videos I recorded of her throughout the years. Hearing her voice, her laugh, and some of the quirky things she said, had me in tears and laughing simultaneously. She didn’t get the whole technology thing but she played along with me.

The craziest part is that I would respond to her aloud the same way I responded in the video…. Usually, I asked her what she was grateful for. Always, always, always, she said, "you!" (I think the Coke Zero and snacks helped.)

Sitting at the cemetery I thought back to my mom’s funeral and sitting Shiva, weird to say, it was the most beautiful funeral I’ve ever attended.

There are so many beautiful Jewish ceremonies and rituals, but sitting Shiva is one that I find most healing. (Shiva is derived from the word sheva - meaning seven, and it’s the seven-day mourning period that begins after a person is buried and ceases during Shabbat.)

I chose to sit Shiva for only five days. Although I never officially sent out “thank you” cards to everyone who attended the funeral, came to the Shiva houses, brought me food, called, texted, and loved on me near and far, this is my THANK you.

The greatest tribute to my mother was the amount of love I received.

You fed my heart and soul when it was broken and have fueled me over the past year to do more for others. For that, I am grateful.

August 30th - September 20th of last year was pretty much a blur. I remember the moments up to her death so vividly because I was urged by a dear friend to write them down so that I could share them at some point which I did in a video. Watch it here.

To those of you who watched the video, commented, and gave it a like, thank you for providing me a space I can be vulnerable.